Such Beautiful Contradictions

You know,

It would make your world so much easier
If you can see what I see when I see you.

That was a lot of seeing.

It is, isn't it?
But I have seen so much more in you than what you will ever see in yourself.

In some tragic way,
Maybe it's your cross to bear.
That you see beauty in everyone around you but yourself.
That you stood with your mouth open when you saw pieces of history in museums.
But stood blind with how your history made you into a breathing art.

How your strength is far beyond a zero to ten scale.
How it molds and shapes into a qualitative paragraph...
A qualitative essay of what it truly means to be strong.
Cause it blends,
and it changes.
Like the waves we have seen,
Your strength is an ocean.

And how when you laugh,
The walls around you for a second disappears.
And I can tell you this,
For just a second I saw what you have been hiding.
And it was okay.
It was just you.
A more vulnerable and floating you.
But it radiated a light so bright,
In just that one second,
I knew why you're scared.

So take your time,
There's nothing out there for you to prove.
Trust me,
There's nothing out there worth changing for.

Or at least,
For what I have seen in you, in just that one second.

There is nothing out there that can justify ruining what your garden has grown.

A vulnerable yet strong,
An expressive shyness,
A limitless boundary,
An ever expanding being.

Such beautiful contradictions.


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