See ya!

This is,
In no way a contemplation
Or a stage for me to share my revelation.

But 2016 has been one hell of a ride.
And if I can say one thing about it,
2016 has been liberating.
It felt like somebody, or something, twisted my insides and pulled it out.

I learned what it felt to be scared.
That I haven't calculated or observed every little thing that will and can happen.

I learned what it felt to have almost lost your mind.
That I haven't quite found the key to letting go.
Or at least,
Letting it go completely.

I learned I needed more time to process the world around me.
That I have little patience when it comes to the people closest to me.
Or at least,
The little patience I had left for them was shattered by my own expectations.

I learned how hard it was to continue to listen
When all I want to do is to scream.
To shake them awake.
And point them towards the very obvious exit.

I learned, and this is hard to admit....
I learned to completely observe.
To watch people fall.
Cause maybe they should.

That's the hardest thing 2016 has shown me.
Not everything or everyone can be steered towards the path you know is safer.
That they don't need to take the hard road.

Let it be my overdue lesson.
That I can't control what people choose.
That I can't control how people live.

Most of all,

That I can't let them borrow my eyes and let them see what I see in them.
That I can't let them borrow my eyes and let them see how obvious things are from where I stand.
That I can't let them borrow my eyes and let them see the beauty just a few steps away.
That I can't let them borrow my eyes and let them just see.

Thank you, 2016.

I promise,

I see.


Dee - HDR said…
Ini tulisan menuju tahun 2017. Ditunggu tulisan menuju 2018 yah :)

Dee -

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