On Point-of-V(you)s

 As we try to calmly settle ourselves down into another lockdown, 
I find myself, as usual, revisit the things that has emerged itself into a pattern.
And being the pattern loving human that I am, who always tries to see familiarity in things unfamiliar, I think it sort of gives a little dot in my GPS of understanding the grand scenario.
However that might end up looking like.

I understand,
Picking out and believing the unfamiliar will somehow be something that makes sense is sort of like a leap of faith.
More so in times like these, 
Where we have extra time to listen or read other's pattern of thoughts (which might be total unfamiliarity to us), can get a little overwhelming.
From the multiple voices screaming "jump now" or "don't jump" or even a random question "we can jump?".

All of a sudden you're at a point of being annoyed by all the different voices saying a myriad different things from mismatched directions at about 100 kms per hour, hitting you like a train of information that's going God knows where.
Before you can finally identify your own whisper underneath the other different noises.
Before you can finally identify the familiarity of your own point of view amongst the other thousand point of views which might've been built around another thousand point of views.

And so you stop yourself
Because you remember then,
Beneath all these thousands point of views there is no truth.
But there is their truth.
A thousand of their truths.

Yet your truth, 
shaped from your familiar things, 
within your own horizon of understanding,
crafted into a patterned quilt made from your own experiences of winning and losses,
is yours alone.
For you to abandon,
Or better yet 
To be held so hard,
Your hand leaves traces of blood as you guide your truth along this grand scenario.
However that might end up looking like.

So here's to our bleeding hands holding on to our truths,
as we calmly try to settle ourselves into another part of our life,
where it might feel a little unfamiliar,
but your point of v-you-s are more than familiar.


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