The Things I'll tell My Kids

This blogpost is a combination between my idealistic views and the hope of tomorrow. It's about the things I'll tell my kids.

1. Believe that whatever u have,there's always someone that has better things than you..but most of all,there's always someone out there than has none of the things that makes you happy.

2. Believe in whatever God or god or even gods you want..believe in anything that brings peace into your life.. I dont care about what you call your God,I only care that you believe in your God and that He or She will push you towards goodness.

3. Believe in your senses,even if no one can feel or see or taste or hear what you sense.

4. Believe that every sense you choose comes with a consequence. Your parents might not find out,but karma is more than a spank in the butt.

5. Believe in karma. Believe hard that whatever you do comes back around, so make sure all you push out there is good things. I dont need you to fear hell or to dream about heaven.. karma is as near as the next bus stop.

6. Believe that your childhood is a product of two people working very hard to provide for you and make you happy. The things that made you sad back then, will probably go back around to your head and make you understand the real world outside the bubble that you're brought up in.

7. Crying is okay. Crying is cool. Its not a sign of weakness. Its a sign that you're human and every human needs a time-out. Cry,stop,breathe,then rearrange..and of course, move on.

8. Believe that its okay to love, and to be heart broken. Believe that your soulmate doesnt have to be that someone you want to spend your life with. Your soulmate can be your parents,or bestfriend, or even your dog. Or better yet..yourself.

9. Its a hard world out there. I know. Everyone knows. There's war going on & probably will always go on. But dont go out there and turn bitter..go out there and be better than them.

10. You can fall in love with anyone that brings you happiness, that makes you a better person, that don't beat you up and treat you like poo. Anyone at all. But with choice always comes consequences...sometimes, every consequences is worth it,someday.

11. Respect everything. Unless its then proven otherwise in the future.

12. Fairy tales are made up. There's no happy ending. Because one day everyone you've loved or love will go away..but move on. The whole world won't stop moving just cause you're sad.

13. Hormones are a bitch. You'll be bitchy and a bastard, or if you're'll be both at the same time. But it's gonna pass. Everything will pass.

14. You weren't born with a price tag. So make sure you know how to treat yourself. You're not damaged goods, you are a piece of extremely extremely expensive jewelry.

15. No one is born stupid. They just grew up lazy.

16. Be nice.. be nice.. be nice... Give then receive. Or just give when you can.. someone else will give it back,someday.

17. It's okay to hate something. But it's not okay to make it a burden. Take another way..there is always another way.

18. Drugs will in the end kill you. Trust me.. if it doesn't kill your body, it'll kill your brain.. if it doesn't kill your brain, the worst thing that can happen is that it'll kill your soul & your smile. Trust me on this.. trust me with all your life.

19. You are always good enough. But there's always room for improvement. Always in all ways possible. But if someone says you're not good enough, prove them you are.

20. Happiness is yours to choose. Always. Don't ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever let someone else or anything in this world bring your faith and belief and happiness down. You are worthy of happiness, make sure you remember this...and remember to tell everyone you know about this too. Everyone is worthy of being happy. Yeah, no matter what happened. Or no matter what has happened. Everyone is worthy of going to bed and waking up to find happiness.

For now,that is all.. But if i have to write a book about this.. there's a thousand things worth sharing with your kids. I'm not being wise...I just want the future to get it right.


Adelani Ayu said…
truly a post-of-ah-kind :3

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