Friends,Aliens,and all those in between.

Let me start this off with me saying. If I dont spend at least a day in a week talking to u, this post isnt for u.

That simple..gue bukan tipe orang yng suka koleksi temen.. what for? networking? u dont have to be friends to network...berarti ada maunya dong kalo temenan?

Well maybe different person different perspective.
thats MY perspective on friendship..maybe..just maybe,one day i'll look back and have a totally different perspective than now..who knows?

I dont make friends with predictable person. Thats another reason why I don't "read" my closest friends. I want to spend time with people thats full of surprises, with turns, ups and downs.

I like aliens. People who spend time trying to be a part of society but gave up & just live their life the way they want to. People who stand up for themselves instead of conforming to everything around. I love those people.

I like people with brains too..and those that uses them. Tuhan tau lah seberapa banyak dosa yng gue buat setiap ngobrol sama orang yng otaknya mikirnya cuma disitu2 why should I hang around them? buat nambahin dosa & cobaan?

I like colorful people. Those with big dreams of changing this god damn world full of judgement and norms. Orang2 yng pemikirannya....just beside the line that divides the genius & the insane. People that plays safe & goes along with society arent the ones going to change this ma'fuckin world.

I like people that believes. In silly things. In any thing, but will back it up logically if then we have a discussion about what they believe. Blind faith? No thanks.

I like people that likes people tapi enggak membabi buta menjadi teman untuk semua orang. I like people who knows who they feel comfortable with. I like people who values their level of comfort with others.

Basically,its hard for me to find friends. Haha. But thank God there's still some of those alive..not much,but I've found some.
My friends are rare. I dont call them "babe" atau "yang.." "say.." "beb".. but I call them whenever I need them. Have a good cup of tea & talk or just not talk and be quiet. Those are the friends that everyone needs. At least,those are the friends I'll need for the rest of the way.



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