Lies Covered Lives

I think there's a misconception going around.
A sort of fallacy of the human mind,
about inner peace,
about the wiring of our souls,
about what filter should be used to show happiness,
and how many likes you should earn to convince the entire population that you have found yourself.

I think there's a fog of delusion covering our truths.
A drug that's circulating freely amongst our minds.
Handed out like grace but robbing us of our existence.
Given like free meals for the poor but the more you have the less you'll see.
Thrown around every day like prayers for the lost, yet the more you take the further you are from home.

And that is where we are,
As far away as we can get from the truth of our being.
As deranged as we have been since we started wars by greed.
As distorted as we deny ourselves to be.

And that is the truth of how exposed our lies are.
Our lives are.
The lies of our lives are.
Sad isn't it?

It isn't though.
It truly isn't.

At least, with all the inner battle.
With all the drifted souls.
With all the hungry and all the forgotten.
With all the criers and all the demented.

At least, with all the secret dishonesty.
With all the tear covered smiles.
With all the anger covered laughter.
With all the lies covered lives.

At least, with all that catastrophe.
At least, we're alive.
And we have us.

By God, at least, we still have us

Jakarta, 1st February 2018


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