Baby, it aint over till it's over

Let me tell you this in advance.. the title above is from Lenny Kravitz's song, "It ain't over till it's over". And I'm going to tell you this in advance, when I die, please put that song on. Cos ain't over till it's over.

Do anything to my body when I die... I don't care. Like an old broken down car, i'm the driver..and that piece of junk...well...u can just leave it there to rot, I don't care. Or burn it. Decapitate it. I really don't care what you do to me after I die. I'm far away and gone. I am probably floating around, waiting to live again, or just hanging around you...watching you as you sleep...and shower...and eat...................... BOO!!!

HA! I dont really know where I'm going with this blog post. I'm not making fun of death or anything. Who in their right mind would ever make fun of death? I do sometimes be honest. I try to look at it lightly, to get to know death. I'm weird that way. I'm curious of something I remember faintly but can't exactly grasp it yet. Dear God, not yet and not anytime soon. I haven't discovered the remedy for world peace. Pshhaawww!

But I do hope I'm still sane & cool when I meet Death.

I imagine being in a room, bathe by sunlight and the smell of books...maybe a cup of tea...a crackling fire...then Death knocks lightly at the door. I'll look at my watch & take a deep breath. Get up from the comfortable red puffy chair that I was sitting the door, maybe just a crack. Just to make sure Death looks nice from just a peek. He will look nice. I mean, Death...I'll refer Death as a He.

He'll smell of old man cologne & cigar. I open the door and invite him in. He'll nod and give me a moment to check my belongings. Which is funny...cause I can't bring anything. I'll say a few jokes to Death, about taking my family. He smiles, of course He'll smile. And of course I know he won't let me bring anyone along. Because that'll be just cruel...everyone will have their time.
Then for a few moments I'll regret some of the stupid things I did as I was learning to live, as I was living, and as I was approaching the end of life itself. I'd laugh. Cause's too late to regret. Always too late.

Then Death...He'll take me by my hand. I guess it's time. It has come to this. This is it, man. Whatever I've learned, whatever I haven't had the time to least for this time is up. I sigh. Death smiles, cough, and in his deep voice...Death says.. "baby, it ain't over till it's over".

Then I'll live.
Then I'll learn to live.
Then I'll be living.


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