
I guess this post is only for those who has known me for the past 4-ish years.

I know u've seen me change..a lot..maybe some would think too much.
I was probably the biggest ball of ass anyone can ever stand to have called "a friend".
(*to those that still thinks i'm an ass..thank you)
I'm proud of that though.I'm proud of every single soul I got in a fight with.

But the war I've won with myself is one I'll never stop being proud of.
Maybe...just day I'll look back,when I'm gray and old..wishing I was a nicer person..but I can guarantee,I won't ever look back to the fights I had with my soul,the tears I shared with the gloomy corner of my life.

I want to share something...
Gue..dari sekian banyak manusia di bumi...bukan salah satu dari mereka yng sabar. I like to pick fights with people..I like to shove my head up your ass and make others uncomfortable. I like the sensation of being a big ball of intelligence,and if you're stupid..I love to shove it up your brainless head.
You see..I'm not a nice person. Some of my closest people know that very well.

Then you think when you read this... "elo enggak pernah cari ribut kok sama gue..cuma emang kadang elo sombong aja jadi orang".

Then you're one of not so many people that I think is worth my patience.
You're my chosen bunch of souls. You're significant to my life..mungkin dalam takaran yng beda-beda..tapi nonetheless,you're significant.
Dan...somehow you have patience to get to know me better. :P
Thank you.

For those I like to pick fights with and I still want to know how you are and care about the path you're walking on...(only a few comes into this category)...then you mean a great deal to me.
You're probably one of those people that has seen me fall to the lowest lows of my life,and stood by me. I thank you for that..I sincerely thank you for the times shared.For the tears wasted,for the vomit of words,and the hugs undone but felt. Thank you for nodding along,for drifting apart,for finding a way back. You bunch of nerds know who you are. I'll write another post about the times,but for now..go shower in my gratefulness for the times I've learned to live by wanting to die,and sharing it with you nerds.

and for just one person,yes..just one.. You are one of those kick ass soul that kicked my ass back and forth and got me standing up again. Forever grateful is probably isnt enough..but I am. Well you know that.

So being thankful ternyata bukan sesuatu yng egois...i owe a lot of thanks to other souls. I owe half of my life to some souls. But I owe another chance to happiness,everyday I wake up,to myself.

There's the lesson learned.

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