My glass of sparkling wine..

I love how romantic the songs turn
when I turn my thoughts to you.
Then I smile lightly,
at the slightest thoughts of you.
I love how we share the same fears
and I love to be able to understand why at some days,
the past are better to be remembered than to betray.
I love how you smile when you want something.
When you tease me into believing what you have to say..
Cause then I love how I'd smile today,
even if I'm only imagining your yesterday's smile.
I love being able to talk.
and to shout.
and to listen at the same time.
I love loving and fearing the same things..
I love what I see in you,even if you won't ever see it..
I love knowing where to turn.
I love missing your scents..
I love trying to make sense of missing your annoying whines..
So then...
Maybe I'll just love you some more,like a nightly glass of sparkling wine...


Anonymous said…
Oke bgt boo...
Bikin gw jd inget sm si "itu"
Ah elo siiyyhh..
Anonymous said…
Gw baca 2 kali, tp masih kerasa dalem lho...
love your words.. :)

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