I guess this post is only for those who has known me for the past 4-ish years. I know u've seen me change..a lot..maybe some would think too much. I was probably the biggest ball of ass anyone can ever stand to have called "a friend". (*to those that still thinks i'm an ass..thank you) I'm proud of that though.I'm proud of every single soul I got in a fight with. Every.Single.Soul. But the war I've won with myself is one I'll never stop being proud of. Maybe...just MAYBE day I'll look back,when I'm gray and old..wishing I was a nicer person..but I can guarantee,I won't ever look back to the fights I had with my soul,the tears I shared with the gloomy corner of my life. I want to share something... Gue..dari sekian banyak manusia di bumi...bukan salah satu dari mereka yng sabar. I like to pick fights with people..I like to shove my head up your ass and make others uncomfortable. I like the sensation of being a big ball of intelligence...