
Showing posts from 2015

I tend to forget just that....

I've always been the kind of person that likes to put myself outside of a circle It's easier to observe from there. The way people carry themselves looks far more different, cause you see how they hold on to their energy. Like how that lady isn't as excited as the woman she's talking to. And how the lady she's talking to is an open book. Humans are interesting in a way we might not know. We think we've found home in the interactions with others. Cause we're made to understand that we're a social being. That without others, there's no point in being. Like how that mother holding her baby, feels that she's carrying her world. Cause for now, that's what her baby is to her. Her world. Humans are a creature of meaning. We try to give meaning to everything around us. Then those meaning becomes our priorities. The more weight the meaning we give, the higher they are on our list. But then the more things we experience, The more...

Hitam dan putih

Mungkin karena pekerjaan saya yg enggak umum, orang2 yg ketemu saya suka banyak yg nanya2 tentang keseharian saya. I don't mind, if I can let you borrow what I do, I would. Dari sekian banyak pertanyaan yg orang suka tanya, ada satu pertanyaan yg sering ditanyain.  "Jadi kamu bisa tau mana orang yg jahat?" First of all, definisi jahat menurut saya sangat subjektif. Akan sangat beda kalau yg nanya adalah perempuan yg baru diselingkuhin dan laki-laki yg baru dipermalukan oleh temannya di depan bos mereka. Dari pertanyaan yg sebenernya bisa dijawab cukup dengan "iya" atau "tidak" ternyata enggak cukup karena the term "jahat" sangat luas.  Second of all, mungkin karena saya terbiasa - atau mungkin membiasakan diri - melihat karakter orang through the bigger picture, bener-bener untuk menentukan seseorang baik atau jahat sangat susah. Ini buat saya pribadi lho.  Tapi here's an example.  Ada seorang karyawan, si A misalny...

Come, Visit.

I've always been fascinated by Mary Poppins since the first time I saw the movie, that was way back then.  I remembered thinking, when I watched the movie again in my teens, that every family needs a Mary Poppins. She/He doesn't have to be the parents of the child, because who are we kidding, no matter how old we get, a friendly reminder in a gentle voice saying what we need to swallow a bitter medicine or a painful break up is just a spoonful of sugar. Or maybe on Monday mornings, a cheery voice telling us to find the fun in our 9 to 5 routine will help it go by like a game. And today, I watched it again, I'm now way past my childhood phase, and my teenage years are long gone. But nothing has changed, I still think we all need a Mary Poppins in life. Especially this quote from Mary Poppins; We probably thought Fairyland is a magical place filled with candies, toys, and probably puppies. But as past-quarter-life me heard it again, I understood. ...