You'll see

I've seen way too much to be stuck in a mind that's filled with uncontrollable fears. The truth of the matter is, nothing is really controllable. Nothing is ever for certain. I've always been those that believes in my own capability. Like..fuck you, i'll be great on my own. But people change, things happen, happiness comes & goes. Truth is, and this is hard for me to even admit I was wrong...but i was wrong. Life is too big to be shared only with yourself . I'm not saying everyone needs to fall in love. You don't need a certain someone to be happy, cos happiness is a perception . Perception comes from no one else but your own mind. When I was little, people would ask me what I wanted to be. I never said I wanted to have money or be successful. I wanted to change perceptions. I wanted to change the way people look at life. So this is not a blog post. This is a reminder for myself. I swear I'll change your world. In some way we haven't found yet, but ...